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About The First Spiritual Temple: Modern
Spiritualism: Margery ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... its inception. It was this
controversy which made Mina Margery Crandon
the most
talked-about medium during the 1920's. On the one ...
www.fst.org/margery.htm - 23k - En caché
- Páginas similares
About The First Spiritual Temple - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... A lovely Obituary Note was written by Dr. LRG Crandon, husband of Boston's famous
physical medium, Margery Crandon, in the August, 1930, issue of Psychic ...
www.fst.org/doyle.htm - 24k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.fst.org ]
Crandon physical medium - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Walter provided an
explanation through a medium: he stated ... being produced, and
had made Margery's powers wane; consequently, Dr Crandon
had resorted ...
margery_crandon_physical_medium.htm - 38k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Seminar at Castle Donnington - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... This was organised by regular communicator Walter Stinson, brother of Margery Crandon
(featured in ... and was moved to a spare seat opposite the medium with a ...
www.noahsarksoc.fsnet.co.uk/afterlife/ seminar_at_castle_donnington.htm - 24k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.noahsarksoc.fsnet.co.uk ]
Crandon, Mina
Stinson, Margery, PK-Medium, psychokinetische
Crandon, Mina Stinson, bekannt als
Margery. ... Daraufhin arbeitete Crandon bis
an ihr
Lebensende an ihren medialen Fähigkeiten. ... Mein Leben als
Medium. ...
www.sphinx-suche.de/lexpara/crandon.htm - 59k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Houdini, Harry, Taschenspieler, Entfesselungskünstler, Medium ...
... das die Zeitschrift The Scientific American einberufen hatte mit dem Ziel, ein
psychokinetisches Medium zu beobachten ... Die Kandidatin war Margery (Crandon). ...
www.sphinx-suche.de/lexpara/houdini.htm - 60k - En caché - Páginas similares
Inquirer: The search for Margery. (Notes on a Strange ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... some of the relatives of
the medium "Margery," whose role was so prominent when
and Doyle were friends and later enemies. Margery (Mina
Crandon was her ...
www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m2843/ 6_26/94044229/p1/article.jhtml
- 14k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Skeptical Inquirer: The search for Margery. (Notes on a Strange ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... (Notes on a Strange World).(medium associated with Houdini) Skeptical ... MP: You said
that after 1926, Dr. Crandon presumably no longer believed in Margery. ...
www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m2843/6_26/ 94044229/p4/article.jhtml?term= - 14k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.findarticles.com ]
The American
Experience | Houdini | Margery Pamphlet - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... I again found mention of
the mysterious medium whose identity ... being hidden
the name of "Margery," but as ... by her right name
also, Mina Crandon, wife of ...
www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/houdini/sfeature/margery1.html - 38k
- En caché
- Páginas similares
The American Experience | Houdini | Margery Pamphlet - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... confrontation with a spirit medium began in 1924, when he took on a formidable Boston
woman named Mina Crandon, known publicly as "Margery." The thirty-six-year ...
www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/houdini/sfeature/margery.html - 15k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.pbs.org ]
Medium and the Magician - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Mina Crandon died at
the age of 54 in 1941. ... As Eileen Garrett, a fellow
observed, "Margery's best friends were her worst
enemies.". ...
womenshistory.about.com/library/prm/blmagician4.htm - 39k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
The Medium and the Magician - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... attractive for her own good.". Image above: Mina "Margery" Crandon was
a celebrated medium who baffled some skeptics. Library of Congress. ...
womenshistory.about.com/library/prm/blmagician1.htm - 36k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de womenshistory.about.com ]
"MARGERY" - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
Mina Crandon, best known as
“Margery”, was a Boston medium who found herself
embroiled in
one of the most bitter controversies in American psychic research ...
www.prairieghosts.com/margery.html - 14k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
HAUNTED HOLLYWOOD 6! - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... were genuine. The investigative panel had dead-locked over a medium
named Mina Crandon, who used the stage name of Margery. In 1924 ...
www.prairieghosts.com/hollywood6.html - 34k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.prairieghosts.com ]
Havard Professor
Investigates Medium - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... 8). Dr. Crandon
described them as dishonest mountebanks. ... ground that it has not
"Margery" against the ... for preferring the word of
the "medium" to that ...
psychicinvestigator.com/demo/McDog.htm - 22k - En caché
- Páginas similares
'Margery' the Medium - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... He was to sit on the medium's left. ... right sat Bird, and beside him Margery's husband
Dr. Crandon. Bird held Margery's right hand and the doctor's left hand in ...
psychicinvestigator.com/demo/Margry.htm - 8k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de psychicinvestigator.com ]
The Margery
Mediumship - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... one occasion he announced a
cross-correspondence in which "Margery" (as Mrs. Crandon
called ... The problem written automatically by the medium was:
"11 X 2 ...
ghosts.monstrous.com/the_margery_mediumship.htm -
38k - En caché
- Páginas similares
CENTER at boston university | Concerning the ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
The Medium and the Magician.
"You want to know what it feels like to
be a witch? ... Mina
"Margery" Crandon, Collier's, May 8, 1925. ...
www.bu.edu/prc/spirit/mediummagician.htm - 10k - En caché
- Páginas similares
[PDF] Concerning the Spiritual, press release
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTML
... of spirits and séances from the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini Collections
focusing on the case of the Boston Medium, Mina (Margery) Crandon, who in ...
www.bu.edu/met/news/pdfs/Spiritual_Art_PRC.pdf - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.bu.edu ]
Houdini in
Love - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Dr. Leroi Goddard
Crandon and his wife Mina Crandon, who is ... and Bird,
arrive to
try and determine whether Margery is a valid 'spirit
medium.' She quickly ...
www.geocities.com/Broadway/1388/houdini.html - 9k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Seance Talking to the Dead - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... The one medium to escape Houdini’s exposure was Margery better known
as Mrs. Mina Stinson Crandon of Boston. Mrs. Crandon is said ...
www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/ 5335/Seance/talking.html - 7k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.geocities.com ]
Fortean Times Gallery -
American medium Margery - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Competitions. Reviews.
Fortmart. Links. Gallery. American medium Margery (Mina
Crandon, 1889-1941) prodcuing a teleplasmic hand from her vagina.
www.forteantimes.com/gallery/seance.shtml -
11k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Two Faces of
Margery - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... lights and movements of
objects at a distance from the medium, as well as feeling
touches from
invisible hands while both Crandon and 'Margery' were under
www.michaelprescott.freeservers.com/Margery.htm - 56k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Of Dinosaurs and Phantoms: The Sequel - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... almost certainly biased his observations on some occasions, and in one instance he
may have resorted to framing a medium (Mina Crandon, aka "Margery") when he ...
www.michaelprescott.freeservers.com/Sequel.htm - 32k - En caché - Páginas similares
Directory - Society > Religion and Spirituality > ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Margery
Crandon - Boston's Most Famous Physical Medium -
brief discussion on Margery
Crandon, Boston's most noted and notorious ...
Mediums_and_Healers/Historical_Mediums/ - 17k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Almanacco oggi
Mina Crandon, famosa medium
americana, da tutti comunemente
chiamata Margery, sperimentò sulla sua pelle ...
www.barbanera.it/futuromediummina.html - 13k - En caché
- Páginas similares
ISS: Chapter
23: Finger-Printing the Spirits of the Dead: Nandor ...
- [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Yet the Great Finger-print
Mystery is but a sidelight of Margery Crandon's
personality. First, she is not a professional medium. ...
www.survivalafterdeath.org/books/fodor/chapter23.htm -
28k - En caché
- Páginas similares
ISS: Chapter 5: Purposive and Utilitarian Teleplasms: Dr. T. Glen ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... was entirely independent of the medium's larynx by any method such as that used by
Crandon(4) and others in their investigations of the Margery voice phenomena ...
www.survivalafterdeath.org/books/hamilton/chapter5.htm - 32k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.survivalafterdeath.org ]
Editorial Reviews: Inamorata - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... In spite of her seemingly
cavalier attitude, Crandon soon became well known to the
public as
"Margery the Medium," a stage name of sorts that was intended to
-/0670032794?v=glance&vi=reviews - 60k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Amazon.com: Editorial Reviews: Final Seance: The Strange ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... of notable mediums of their day, such as Mina "Margery" Crandon; and even ... was a
skeptic and became, in Conan Doyle's words, "the greatest medium-baiter of ...
www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/ -/1573928968?v=glance&vi=reviews - 56k - En caché - Páginas similares
Houdini in Love video musical
new work - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... of fraudulent mediums. MINA
CRANDON (aka "MARGERY") the spirit-medium
investigation. Mid-thirties. DR. LEROY GODDARD (GODDY ...
home.capecod.net/~cburt/Houdini.html - 3k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Search Info - Directory Society Religion and Spirituality ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Margery
Crandon - Boston's Most Famous Physical Medium brief discussion
Margery Crandon, Boston's most noted and notorious physical
medium. ...
Spiritualism/Mediums_and_Healers/Historical_Mediums/ - 18k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Tellmeabout.co.uk - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Margery
Crandon physical medium The Mediumship of Margery
Crandon Mina Crandon
(1888-1941), better known as
'Margery', was born and grew up in rural Ontario ...
www.tellmeabout.co.uk/directory/m/margery/readme.htm - 34k
- En caché
- Páginas similares
... CEM Hansel, severo critico dello spiritismo e dei fenomeni
extrasensoriali, fa notare
che famose medium, come Eusapia Palladino e
Margery Crandon, traevano in ...
digilander.libero.it/asmo1/spiritismo.htm - 11k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Si giunse al punto di non ritorno nel caso della medium Mina
Crandon, alias "Margery",
la moglie di un medico che aveva
partecipato a una sfida organizzata da ...
www.cicap.org/articoli/at101759.htm - 17k - En caché
- Páginas similares
... And, in fact, this is best shown in the famous Scientific American
investigation of Mina Crandon, alias "Margery" the medium. The ...
www.cicap.org/en_artic/at101011.htm - 16k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.cicap.org ]
theater review LISTEN HOUDINI play by Randy Sharp Axis ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Houdini even wagered $5,000
to be forfeited if he couldn't prove eminent
medium "Margery"
(Mrs. LRG Crandon) or any other of her ilk a fraud. ...
www.offoffoff.com/theater/2001/listenhoudini.php3 - 25k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
VULGAR DELUSION by Woolsey Teller - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... as "genuine" the
performances of such fakers as "Margery", the medium, it is
... A number
of years ago, Dr. Crandon, the husband of
"Margery", invited me ...
www.skeptical-christian.net/essays/telepathy.html - 33k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
Society: Religion and Spirituality: Spiritualism: Mediums ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
http://www.fst.org/piper.htm. Margery Crandon - Boston's Most
Famous Physical Medium
brief discussion on Margery
Crandon, Boston's most noted and notorious ...
Mediums_and_Healers/Historical_Mediums/ - 22k - En caché
- Páginas similares
and a nation shrugs:
Houdini & Doyle - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... In the summer of 1924, the
biggest thing in psychical research was a new medium,
powerful as well
as attractive, whose name was "Margery" (Mina Crandon). ...
www.thoughtpeach.com/archives/000494.html - 13k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
Whatever Happened to
Ectoplasm? - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Pictured below is
"Margery" Crandon, a Boston blueblood, wife of a
professor, and the most famous medium of the 1920s. When ...
www.thecobrasnose.com/xxghost/ecto.html - 11k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
Mediumship -
Biographies of Mediums, Biographical studies ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Doris Stokes compendium."
London: 1980, 827 pp. Tietze, TR "Margery.[Mina
Crandon (1888-1941)]" New York: 1973. ... Ena
Twigg: Medium." New York:1972. ...
www.spiritwritings.com/mediumbiographies.html - 20k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
HartmannWhosWho1927.mw5 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Almond, Wis., USA. CRANDON, Dr. Le Roy G. Husband of "Margery" the
medium. Lecturer, Writer, Author. See "Margery - Harvard - Veritas ...
www.spiritwritings.com/HartmannWhosWho1927.html - 101k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.spiritwritings.com ]
The Séance by
Catherine Karp - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... paranormal phenomena would
win $2,500, and the most likely candidate was Boston
medium Mina
Crandon, known in her spirit circles as "Margery." Like her
www.coachlightpress.com/bygone/seance.shtml -
9k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Borders -
Feature - Gatsby with Ghosts! The Making of <i>Inamorata
... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... had proceeded to easily
debunk one bogus medium after another… that is, until it
Boston socialite Mina Crandon, aka "Margery." What ensued was a
feature.jsp?file=gangemi - 15k - En caché
- Páginas similares
interview with Joseph Gangemi - Bookbrowse.com - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... had proceeded to easily
debunk one bogus medium after another... that is, until it
Boston socialite Mina Crandon, aka "Margery." What ensued was a
index.cfm?page=author&authorID=981&view=Interview - 34k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Ihmeellinen maailma:
Houdini, Harry
... 1906), Miracle-mongers and their
methods (1920), A magician among the spirits (1924)
ja Houdini exposes the
tricks used by Boston medium ”Margery” (1924). ...
www.skepsis.fi/ihmeellinen/houdini_harry.html - 3k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
books - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... 1907 Bird, J. Malcon
MARGERY THE MEDIUM Boston, Maynard ... Books 1979 Clarke,
W. THE ANNALS OF CONJURING, London, George Johnson, 1929
Crandon, LRG THE ...
www.houdiniana.com/books/books.html - 14k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Daze Reader: Margery's
teleplasmic hand - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... The Fortean Times has an
archival photo of "American medium Margery (Mina
Crandon, 1889-1941) producing a teleplasmic hand from her
vagina." (Link ...
- 16k - En caché
- Páginas similares
The Mediumship of Mrs. Leonard -
Chapter 9 - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... just as Feda was
relinquishing her hold upon the medium in order ... a sitting on
17, 1928 for Dr. LRG Crandon, husband of "Margery,"
the highly ...
www.enformy.com/LeonardCh09.htm -
20k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Quinto Hombre
... La fama de la médium
Margery (cuyo nombre original era Mina Stinson Crandon,
con un destacado cirujano de Massachusetts, USA, hija a su vez del ...
abril04/Parapsicologia_37.htm - 24k - En caché
- Páginas similares
http://www.granhoudini.net/LondonScript.htm - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -
Fifties, Houdini’s best friend. Margery Crandon
- Boston
socialite, self-medium. Walter - Margery’s cohort. ...
www.granhoudini.net/LondonScript.htm - 12k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Pesquisa Psi - The
"Margery" affair.
... 339-379) Abstract.
Discusses the investigations of the Boston medium
Margery (Mina
Stinson Crandon). The extreme credulity of the ...
www.pesquisapsi.com/artigo673.html - 28k - En caché
- Páginas similares
of Claims, Frauds and Hoaxes of the Occult and ... - [
esta página ]
... 162, Crandon,
Margery (Née Stinson, 1888-1941), A Boston medium who was
by magician Harry Houdini and put through several rather
inconclusive tests by ...
FMPro?-db=ency.fm&-format=list.htm&-findall=&-sortfield=Definition -
37k - 3 Abr 2004 - En caché
- Páginas similares
Cabinet Magazine
Online - Ethereal Body: The Quest for Ectoplasm - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... he also became
controversially involved with a young materializing medium,
Cook ... In the 1920s, Margery Crandon caused a
furor in Boston, where she was ...
www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/12/warner.php - 41k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Spiricom 96 to 98 - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Mrs. Margery
Crandon's control, has been photographed as a white mass on the
shoulder, connected to her left ear and nostril with
ectoplasmic tubes. ...
www.worlditc.org/h_07_spiri_096_098.htm - 29k - En caché
- Páginas similares
... Leonard
StottFoto di ectoplasma e tromba.(clicca) MargeryScatola
di voci con
medium 'Margery' moglie di un chirurgo(clicca). Le ...
www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/dirvoic_it.html - 27k - En caché
- Páginas similares
paranormal voices manifesting in space or registered on tape ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... MargeryVoicebox with medium "margery", wife of a surgeon (click). The
seances were usually conducted in absolute darkness. No wonder ...
www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/dirvoic3.html - 29k - En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de www.xs4all.nl ]
... Schließlich wurde Prince selbst aus Anlaß einer Ausein
andersetzung um Mina Crandon
aus Boston, die allgemein als
Margery das Medium" bekannt war, in den ...
www.fortunecity.de/roswell/astrozombie/ 195/spiritis.htm - 47k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
esta página ]
... Rhine had missed McDougal
when he got to Boston, and set out to do a little research
his own. He became
involved with a medium, Mina Crandon known as Margery.
www.angelicinspirations.com/page58.htm - 27k
- En caché
- Páginas similares
review_book_final_seance - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... It came to a head over the
case of Mina Crandon, otherwise known as Margery
Medium, the wife of a doctor who had entered a contest set by
Scientific ...
review_book_final_seance.htm - 9k - En caché
- Páginas similares
<b>I See Dead
People</b> - Weekly Dig - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Spiritualism and publicized
spirit photography arrived in Massachusetts in
the early 1900s with
Margery Crandon, later nicknamed the Boston Medium.
www.weeklydig.com/dig/content/5971.aspx - 26k
- En caché
- Páginas similares
Houdini - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... a reporter and police
officer. Possibly the most famous medium whom
he debunked was the
Boston medium Mina Crandon, aka Margery. ...
www.worldhistory.com/wiki/H/Harry-Houdini.htm - 18k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
BPV: Die Homepage des Basler
Psi Vereins
... In den Protokollen der Sitzungen von
Margery Crandon trifft man Walter als Kontrollgeist
... an den kleinen Tisch zu setzen, der vor dem Medium stand, und
www.bpv.ch/infotexte/seancealex.htm - 26k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
of Manitoba : Archives & Special Collections : Thomas ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Teleplasmic hand in dental
wax - Dr. Crandon presiding, TGH ... Voice-Cut Out Machine"
Walter spoke via Margery. ... Dr. Creighton & medium
Mrs. JD (Elizabeth) Young ...
ead/html/Hamiltonpc.shtml - 101k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Rare Book Room - Spiritualism - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... Title: "Margery" the medium / by J. Malcolm Bird. Published: Boston : Small,
Maynard & company, [c1925] Subjects: Crandon, Mina Stinson Spiritualism. ...
www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archives/ collections/rbr-spirit.html - 9k - En caché - Páginas similares
Library - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... 1907. Bird, J. Malcon,
MARGERY THE MEDIUM, Boston, Maynard and Company, 1925.
... 1929. Crandon, LRG THE MARGERY MEDIUMSHIP, London,
1929. ...
www.houdiniclubofwisconsin.com/Online%20Library.htm - 40k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
Timeline - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... In July, Houdini has his first sittings with the celebrated Boston medium Mina Crandon,
aka "Margery." Houdini, convinced Margery is a fake, feuds with her and ...
www.houdiniclubofwisconsin.com/Timeline.htm - 28k - En caché - Páginas similares
Godscience Manifesto - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... real paranormal. Once
Houdini had a thousand dollar bet that a medium
by the name of
Margery Crandon was a fraud. "Margery" was ...
atl-perimeter.hiexpress.com/pages/mediums.html -
32k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Houdini e Conan
Doyle: storia di una strana amicizia
... 1924
l‘argomento più importante nel campo della ricerca psichica era una
medium, potente quanto attraente, il cui nome era
"Margery" (Mina Crandon). ...
soalinux.comune.firenze.it/holmes/houdini.htm - 45k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Directory - Society: Religion and Spirituality: Spiritualism ... - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... Margery
Crandon - Boston's Most Famous Physical Medium - brief
on Margery Crandon, Boston's most noted and
notorious physical medium. ...
Mediums_and_Healers/Historical_Mediums/ - 11k - 3 Abr 2004 - En caché
- Páginas similares
The Lifschitz Psychology
Museum - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... was dissappointing. While
investigating a spritual medium named Margery
they concluded that she was a fraud. The same conclusion ...
www.netaxs.com/people/aca3/lpm-rhin.htm - 3k - En caché
- Páginas similares
Harry Houdini
- Wikipedia - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... a reporter and police
officer. Possibly the most famous fraud whom
he debunked was the Boston
medium Mina Crandon, aka Margery. ...
www.phatnav.com/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=Harry_Houdini - 25k -
En caché
- Páginas similares
Spirits - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... communication was
established by spiritualist, Mina Crandon, better known as
who would ... vocal organs out of "ectoplasm"
supplied by the medium. ...
www.adam.com.au/bstett/SupernatSpirits63.htm - 11k - En caché
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revue 1925-1935
... Karl Krall. - Margery. - A propos de Karl Krauss,
pseudo-médium autrichien. ...
La médiumnité de Margery
: Dr Crandon à M. Maire. ...
www.imi-paris.org/1929.php3 - 36k - En caché
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e Ombra (rivista di parapsicologia): indice dei fascicoli
... 04/1998. Roberto Assagioli di Paola
Giovetti. La medium americana Margery Crandon
a cura di
Silvio Ravaldini. In memoria di Karlis Osis di Andreas Sommer. ...
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... Another notable instance
was that of "Margery" (Mrs. Crandon of Boston ... spirit
and the revelation of information of which the medium is
presumably ...
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Axis Company | Listen Houdini
| Welcome Houdini - [ Traduzca
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... In Listen Houdini, Doyle
presents the beaten down and aging Houdini with
Margery Crandon
-- the last contender for the title of genuine Medium. ...
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CHRONOLOGY - [ Traduzca
esta página ]
... His greatest challenge was
Mina Crandon, the medium known as Margery. Like
Margery was brilliant at what she did and what she did was
seance magic. ...
memory.loc.gov/ammem/vshtml/vshchrn.html - 14k - En caché
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esta página ]
... Yes No Twice. How would you
best describe your feelings regarding Spiritualist
'Margery' Crandon's ability to produce 'ectoplasm' from her nose?
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... The techniques of the TV
psychic, your local medium, and a host of others ... Or
Crandon, a Boston seer who produced "ectoplasm" from
various orifices that ...
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Satterthwait: Eskapaden
... lädt ein zur Séance mit
dem berühmten Medium Madame Sosostris. ... Wild" erlegte
1924 mit Mina Crandon, Künstlername "Margery", eines der
krimis/walter-satterthwait-eskapaden.html - 35k - En caché
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científicas sobre a imortalidade da alma
Margery Crandon. ... à continuidade das idéias espíritas no
mundo, tais como: “No
Invisível”, “O Porque da Vida”, “Joanna D’Arc –
Médium”, etc. ...
ciencia/pesquisas-cientificas.html - 26k - En caché
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Encarando a Divisão: Apresentações
do Racionalismo e do Oculto ...
... Houdini
Expõe os Truques Usados pela médium de Boston ... Outros peritos
que Margery mantinha os pés ... Crandon ou
uma flexão de seus músculos.20 Ele ...
www.str.com.br/ca/houdini.htm - 49k - En caché
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The Trawick Prize:
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... the case of the Boston
Medium, Margery Crandon, who in 1924 accepted.
American's and Harry Houdini's challenge to show proof of physic.
ability. ...
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The US's FIRST monthly magic
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... eight-page article, "The
Medium & the Magician" (American History, August 1999),
Stashower chronicles the exploits of Mina "Margery" Crandon and
her ...
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Página/30 -
Página/12 - Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA
... Se la pasa
acudiendo a sesiones para humillar a los médium con carcajadas
acaso consiguiendo uno de los ... Hasta que llega la pobre
Margery Crandon. ...
www.pagina12.com.ar/2000/suple/pag30/00-03/nota2.htm - 29k -
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Stein - Encyclopedia of the
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... and the Paranormal; The
Medium Margery (Mina Stinson Crandon); Carlos
Miracles; "Miraculous" Phenomena; Near-Death experiences; ...
www.skeptic.de/b/0455.htm - 7k - En caché
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New York
Metro: Tribeca Week 2001 - [ Traduzca
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... Listen Houdini Axis Theatre
presents a new drama that pits Houdini, Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle, and
medium Margery Crandon against one another. $20.
Thurs.-Sat. ...
www.newyorkmetro.com/metrotv/tribeca2001/theater.htm - 30k -
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The Houdini
Séance - Page Two - [ Traduzca
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... of the most famous mediums
to take on the challenge was a beautiful young woman named
Crandon, who gained renown as "Margery, the Boston Medium."
But she ...
paranormal.about.com/library/weekly/aa103000b.htm - 28k -
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great story! - Show Fan Board Forum Email Website TV Listings
... - [ Traduzca
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... of a love affair with the
medium since she ... Rhine offered the following motive:
gradually found ... caused the inevitable protests by
Margery's supporters ...
www.tvtalkshows.com/ forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24403 -
36k - En caché
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of Spiritualism spiritualists.org - [ Traduzca
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... Mina "Margery"
Crandon (1888 - 1941) Perhaps the most controversial
medium in
the history of Spiritualism. In her heyday, in the ...
spiritualists.org/spiritualism/ history_of_spiritualism.htm - 101k
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... week driving a pre-1977
American-made automobile?" to "How would you best describe
your feelings
regarding Spiritualist medium 'Margery' Crandon's ability
to ...
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... This was also the year of
his great feud with the medium Mina Crandon,
professionally as Margery, the Blonde Witch of Boston. ...
body_red_magic__houdini_s_secret.html - 23k - En caché
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Commentary, December 28, 2001 — My
Heroes, The Pale Blue Dot ... - [ Traduzca
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... United States by psychic
researcher Hereward Carrington, once a Houdini friend then
turned "enemy"
during the investigation of Boston medium "Margery"Crandon.
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On-Line Australia [<a href="http://www.newage.com.au">www.
... - [ Traduzca
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... Mrs Margery
Crandon was also noted for Direct Voice phenomena and many other
of mediumship. Carol Mirabelli, the South American medium, was
searchingly ...
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... Peter Cushing as Conan
Doyle, Jack Carter as Houdini's brother, Adrienne Barbeau
as his mistress,
Nina Foch as a medium, and Vivian ... Margery
Crandon Jerome Thor ...
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- Imagick
... as luzes, Zõliner seguiu a trajetória
traçada pelo olhar fixo do médium. ... havia
algum tempo
acompanhava de perto o desempenho mediúnico de Margery Crandon.
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... (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID
27723. Margery Crandon - Boston's Most Famous
Medium Margery Crandon - Boston's Most Famous Physical
Medium. ...
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... tis the season, [22 Oct
2003|02:24pm]. castevet. “American medium Margery (Mina
Crandon, 1889-1941) prodcuing a teleplasmic hand from her vagina.”.
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